Pixelgen Technologies

Protein Interactomics

Life at the highest resolution - protein interactomics by Proximity Networks®

Pixelgen Technologies’ mission is to provide insights into biology at the highest functional resolution and to achieve this, a technique called the Proximity Network Assay was developedThe Proximity Network Assay enables researchers to analyze the dynamics of the immune cell surface protein interactome in an unprecedented manner, leading to novel insights into disease mechanisms, drug mode of action response, and biomarker discovery.

Gaining a better understanding of the diversity of immune landscapes and responses is critical to developing personalized treatments for disease. I'm looking forward to using Pixelgen's Molecular Pixelation technology to investigate the surface proteome of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to better understand why elderly individuals' responses to COVID vaccinations vary depending on whether or not they have undergone chemotherapy.
Yutaka Suzuki
Professor, University of Tokyo
Ankur Sharma
Our knowledge of the origins of cancer, how tumors grow within their microenvironments and how they respond to therapeutics is rapidly advancing. New technologies such as MPX are critical to building on this knowledge and translating discoveries into therapeutics and diagnostics for disease. The ability to see how proteins interact and the spatial dynamics of the proteome on the surface of single cells could lead to important insights.
Ankur Sharma
Laboratory head at Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney, Australia
"Being able to analyze the spatial distribution and colocalization of proteins in individual white blood cells has tremendous value for our research into how cells are regulated by cell-cell interactions and adapt their function in response to environmental factors”
Petter Brodin
Pediatrician and Professor of pediatric immunology, Imperial College London (UK) & Karolinska Institutet (Stockholm, Sweden)
Jessica Nordlund
From this pilot data, the immediate benefit that I can see with MPX data is not only getting the abundance but also the polarity & colocalization of the cell surface proteins.
Dr. Jessica Nordlund
Associate Professor, Science for Life Laboratory, Uppsala University
“My lab is focused on understanding the spatial organization and proteome wiring of human cells. We are now using the Molecular Pixelation Assay (MPX) from Pixelgen to study the spatial dynamics of immune cell surface proteins, with the aim to understand how protein interactions are rewired for functional fine-tuning"
Emma Lundberg
Professor KTH
This MPX study uncovered new important insights on the effects of the tested compounds, that guided us to differentiate among candidates to move forward in our discovery program
Big International Pharma



The Pixelgen Proxiome Kit, Immuno 155, based on the Proximity Network Assay, delivers cell surface protein interactomics in an unprecedented way. The validated protein panel consists of 155 immune cell surface protein targets and the output is a detailed map of up to 50,000 data points per single cell representing protein clustering, colocalization, and abundance.

Key Features & Benefits

Mapping the protein interactome at scale

The Proximity Network Assay provides new insights into the basis of cellular function by generating nanoscale protein interactomics data analyzing 155 cell surface target markers in parallel.

Unprecedented spatial resolution and throughput

Creating a detailed network of surface protein markers at an approximate resolution of 50nm where the panel proteins are directly connected with all its neighbors.

Functional protein cluster rearrangement analysis

 Provides new hypotheses into cellular function at the molecular level by uncovering multi-protein cluster rearrangements for different disease states, drug response and cell activation stages.

Cell to cell interaction quantification

Detects which cells in a cell suspension are interacting to better understand immune system cell communication, activity and trogocytosis. 

Leverage Your Existing NGS Workflow

Obtain powerful single cell protein abundance, clustering, and colocalization data with a simple, scalable solution available to any molecular biology laboratory.

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About Pixelgen Technologies

Pixelgen Technologies AB is on a mission to deliver biology at the highest resolution by understanding the molecular basis of cellular function with new tools and technologies that decipher the protein interactomics of single cells in unprecedented ways. The company’s patented Proximity Network Assay delivers nanoscale spatial analysis of immune cell proteins at ultra-high capacity and underpins the Pixelgen Proxiome Kit for precision medicine. A foundational technology, the Proximity Network Assay will power a portfolio of products for translational research to accelerate advances in immunology, hematology, and cell therapy. Pixelgen was founded in 2020 by a team of passionate, experienced innovators and entrepreneurs and is venture-backed.

Pixelgen Technologies

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